Fear can hold all of us back at certain times, and is a natural reaction to something that may be life threatening. Sometimes however our fears become irrational and start to interfere with our everyday life and stop us doing the things that we want to do. Phobias can start with an even, real or imagined, an activity or even an item, and the more often we experience a phobic reaction, the stronger that phobia can get. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with all phobias from fear of spiders or flying to more complex issues such as agoraphobia and claustrophobia.
Specific phobias are when people have one specific trigger in their lives that causes a fear response, for example; needles, flying or spiders and can be dealt with in 4 sessions.
Non-specific phobias are more complex and tend to affect us more deeply, for example; agoraphobia, claustrophobia and emetophobia. These issues being more complex may require 8-12 sessions.
If you want to discuss how Katrina can help you with any fear that you are experiencing, give Katrina a call today and we can discuss the process and arrange an initial consultation. For flying, the 4 sessions are best booked just before you take your flight.