How Does Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Help?
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy IS solution focused. We do not delve into your past we talk more about what you want for the future and how we are going to get there. Our past is our past and although it has shaped and moulded us it does not have to dictate how we live the next chapter of our lives. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy works with you to determine your goals in a positive and realistic easy that is non – judgemental and one which is achievable and long lasting. Because it is based on all the most up to date brain research on neuro science this focused approach can have you changing the way you think and achieving your goals quickly, for most this is between 8-12 weeks.
We help you find your own solutions, which is powerful and effective. If you feel that this approach sounds like it could be right for you and you would like an online therapy session, then contact me for more information by using the contact page or by giving me a call on 07734490606. I look forward to hearing from you. Solution Focused Therapy is very successful but success is varied and cannot be guaranteed. Full commitment is required from the client.
I am worried that you will make me do things that I don’t want to do in hypnosis.
Hypnotherapists cannot take over your mind as depicted on stage or on film. Hypnosis is how we relax people enough to put them into a trance, which is a truly natural state that we enter into numerous times a day, think about when you are driving somewhere and you can’t remember how you got there, or you have been watching a film but can’t remember what has just happened. During trance we are still conscious and in control. Our mind will not let us do anything that is inappropriate or against our wishes, just like we know that if we are faced with something unexpected on the road whilst in a trance state we would immediately react and come back to full consciousness.
What is trance or hypnosis like?
Trance is a relaxed state of mind that is highly focused and allows us to use suggestion to change behaviours, emotions or thoughts that are not beneficial to us and that we want to change. It allows us to build new behaviours, thoughts and emotions without the restrictions of our intellectual mind and embraces new ideas. It is very relaxing and pleasant state that can vary in depth from each individual. Remember you cannot enter trance or be hypnotised against your will, nothing unpleasant or harmful can happen to you.
Do I need to confide my painful experiences that I have difficulty talking about?
No, I am here to listen to what you want to tell me and to recognise painful and difficult events that have happened, but our primary focus is to find positive solutions that will make living your life the way you want a reality.